Cleaning the cobwebs from my blog.. :)
The past 2 weeks has not been the best Mumbai has been through. But, yeah, Mumbai has seen worse. Kudos to Mumbaikars for keeping up the city’s spirit. It took these people less than 12 hours to get back to its usual hustling-bustling self. Hats off, Mumbai!!
Ok, guess enough is being said about the incidents that ripped through Mumbai over the last few days. I’m not gonna add to it. :)
I was out of the blogging scene since a looong time. Was kinda bored to sit down and write. But feels good writing after such a long time. Unlike Mumbai, nothing much is rocking my life these days. :( Same ol’ stuff , work, sleep, work… :(
World cup is over. Football fever is coming down. Looks like I’m quickly gonna catch the F1 fever soon.. :) All of a sudden, F1 seemed to have vanished… But, I’m sure it was just the football virus in the air.. F1’s gonna hit me soon..
Hmmmm.. nothing more I can write about.. no new movie.. no new trek.. Yeah, guys lets trek.. I wanna go to Lohagad again.. Any takers??? ;) Or maybe Rajmachi this time around…
Was really bored this Sunday.. Had planned watching a movie.. but a political party screwed our party.. :( All political parties should be banned… The only party in town should be our party… :) Lottas fun, loud music, loads of DVDs, cool cars, mean bikes, sexy babes, wild beaches, and lottas moolah.. what else would a guy my age ask for??
At times, I think.. for those who are grinning.. yeah.. I do think.. :) A nice, cosy house, friends, soft music.. the perfect ingredients of a great time..